Home Goodbye service launches in London this week, giving owners in the capital more choice in the end of life options they have for their pets.  The service offers a calm and compassionate pet euthanasia service, within the peaceful and familiar surroundings of your home.  The launch of this service follows a rising trend from pet owners in choosing to perform the end of life procedure at home rather than the more traditional setting of the veterinary practice. 

The founder of the service is vet Dr Paul Manktelow who is a vet with 20 years experience and founder of the pet health blog and podcast series The Consult Room. 

‘As an owner, you want to give your pets the best life possible and part of that is giving them the gift of a peaceful death without suffering’.  

Dr Paul spoke of the passing of his own pet; ‘When the time came for my last dog Dolly, I wanted her to pass calmly and without suffering.  She hated the vets practice where I worked so for her, home was the only option.  Whilst it’s never easy losing a pet, I still feel thankful that her last memories were at home with the people she loved’. 

At a time where there is a shortage of veterinary staff and services are still trying to recover from the  pandemic, options like Home Goodbye Service will give owners a wider variety of options without adding additional pressure on local practices. 

The ‘Home Goodbye Service’ is available to pet owners across London and surrounding areas. If you want to reach out to our caring support team please call 020 8057 0000 or email us at contact@homegoodbye.co.uk