The Vet Consultancy

The business of pets

The Vet Consultancy2023-09-04T21:18:47+00:00

Business, Leadership and Communication

Pets are big business, but success isn’t just about making money. Use our expertise to ensure you take an informed, professional and ethical approach to how you engage with people and pets. Join us as explore the insights and stories from professionals, businesses and leaders working in the veterinary and pet industries.

Business, Leadership and Communication

Pets are big business, but success isn’t just about making money. Use our expertise to ensure you take an informed, professional and ethical approach to how you engage with people and pets. Join us as explore the insights and stories from professionals, businesses and leaders working in the veterinary and pet industries.


Insight & expertise in the world of veterinary & pet health business


How to become a confident, professional & successful leader


The art & science of communicating

How Work-Life Balance Can Keep Vets Happy

There has been a really strong focus on work-life balance across many professions as we all take some time to reflect on the lessons learned from the pandemic. But the last two years have really taken their toll on the veterinary profession which is experiencing a workforce and burnout crisis…

Online Veterinary Consultation

My First Year as Chief Vet at Blue Cross

It recently popped up on my timeline that I’d been at Blue Cross for a whole year – and two things instantly happened! First, the thought: I’ve no idea how that happened so quickly! Then secondly, I received messages congratulating me and asking me how it’s going? 

Which is a very good question…

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